Adam Savage is best known as the co-host of the popular science entertainment television show, "MythBusters," where he applied scientific methods to test the validity of rumors, myths, movie scenes, adages, Internet videos, and news stories. Born in 1967 in New York, Savage has had a varied career, including stints as a graphic designer, carpenter, projectionist, and animator. His expertise in model-making and special effects showcased on "MythBusters" made him a beloved figure among science and engineering enthusiasts. Beyond television, Savage is an active educator and speaker, promoting science education and creativity through public discourse and at events like Maker Faire.
❝I have always been a voracious reader. I read for at least an hour every night. I read technical, nonfiction, fiction, the New Yorker. I love reading.❞ — Adam Savage
Adam Savage is a self-professed lifelong learner whose curiosity extends to a vast array of subjects, reflected in his reading habits. He frequently shares books and authors that have influenced him, spanning topics from science fiction to engineering and philosophy. His love for reading fuels his endless quest for knowledge and his enthusiasm for sharing what he learns with others. Savage’s approachable communication style and his advocacy for hands-on learning resonate in his personal and professional life, advocating for the importance of curiosity, experimentation, and the joy of discovery.